St. Ignace, MI 49781
(906) 643-0498
The Diane Peppler Resource Center Mackinac County outreach office provides services to domestic and sexual violence survivors, typically Monday through Friday, 8:30-4:30 or as scheduled with the advocate. Staff provides a variety of services including: advocacy, specific need assistance, referrals to other community partners, and transportation assistance to name a few.
A new youth group program was started a few years ago with support and funding through the 92nd District Court Marriage License Funds. The Mackinac County Middle School Girls and Boys Groups provides an atmosphere that encourages support, respect, comfort, fun and creative learning opportunities. It is a place where kids come together and talk about tough issues they are facing in their schools, homes and communities. Team building encourages collaboration with their teammates in supporting one another as they face these struggles and identify healthy ways to overcome. Some of the topics discussed during groups are: self esteem, healthy relationships, stress, friendships, body image, choices, bullying, and how to reach out for help when needed. The groups have discussions, activities, games, crafts and even venture outdoors for activities. Snacks and transportation are provided. The students who attend the groups arrive at the Mackinac County office and are transported either by bus or dropped off by their parent. Each group has an average of 4-8 kids in attendance. For more information on group in the Mackinac County area, contact our office.