Newberry, MI 49868
(906) 293-4853
The Outreach Office in Luce County is located within the Luce County Housing Commission, 550 W. Victory Way. Our regular business hours are from 8a.m. to 4p.m., Monday through Friday. Our Outreach Advocate can adjust their schedule accordingly, however, to better serve survivors. Services that are available within Luce County include:
- Advocacy/Referrals
- Emergency Needs Assistance
- Transportation
- Life Skills Development
- Legal Advocacy
- PPO Assistance
- Youth Education/Advocacy Services
- Prevention and Awareness Training
Domestic Violence Task Force
Diane Peppler Resource Center has joined forces with local Law Enforcement, the Victim’s Advocate, and the Prosecuting Attorney to form a Domestic Violence Task Force in January 2017. The DV Task Force is dedicated to eradicating domestic violence within Luce County. We work as a joint effort to hold perpetrators accountable, enhance victims’ safety, and promote prevention within our home community.
Women’s Support Group
If you are interested in a domestic violence/sexual assault support group, please contact our advocate at 906-293-4853.